Professor | Augmented Reality Enthusiast | Spatial Computing Speaker | Consultant | Educator

Prof. Dr. Philipp A. Rauschnabel
AR, VR & Metaverse
Researching, Speaking and Teaching about the Future of Reality
On the Internet, we surf. We scratch the surface.
In the metaverse, we won’t surf, we’ll dive.
Hardly any other topic moves marketing practice as much as the metaverse and other spatial computing technologies. First of all: many of these visions – be it spatial computing or the metaverse – are not yet “complete” – but nevertheless exist in value-adding versions. In my day-to-day work, I use scientific methods to research developments towards a 3D Internet that we will access using augmented and virtual reality. Hardly any sector will be able to escape these developments. In my work, I develop answers as to how we should prepare for the spatial Internet – and how we can already benefit from augmented and virtual reality today.
Key Facts
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